12 July, 2012


As this nonsense sentence quickly gains the cool status among teenagers' vocabulary, I'm stuck here back in my hometown, witnessing the cutest mixture of extensive farming and huge polluting factories, which btw inhabitants genuinely define it "home sweet home". BAZINGA!
Uhm, lame. 
Mother keeps pointing out how much money she spends on my education, that I should lose some weight before I go back to China; my car does not follow my orders and instead tries to run over innocent pedestrians; an unknown dialect is spoken pretty much everywhere, and now I'm unable to understand a word. God, that used to be my dialect, I could at least grab a dozen words out of a sentence, enough to make my granny think I could speak bresciano.
Oh, yeah, pressures on "you should stop volunteering and start looking for a job", candidly ignoring the fact that I chose to spend these few weeks in my family's company instead of serving margaritas to enriched tourists on white beaches nearby crystal seas. I would have ended up with money, suntan, maybe sexual fulfillment. Instead, I'm dying trying NOT to incite slaughterous instincts in my mother. 
Life is good, but with this scenario thank God we only live once. So I'm trying to genuinely find anything that can keep my mind busy - not as easy as it may seem, when the only distraction is...my laptop. I spend half of my day studying Korean (when I should study Chinese) and the other half trying to drive a car properly. I even considered the idea of reconciling with other peers in town, but the idea of being treated as a freak that never stays home and just grabs the first occasion to leave is everything but tempting. And I'm positive I'll spend the whole summer trying to teach a few chinese or korean words to people who have the least intention to learn and the greatest need to confirm that these languages are way to complicated to be learned. Which, btw, is true. I'm the stupid one.
A week spent in Pisa with those amazing volunteers and pax for the summer program raised a bit my morale, but now I'm in the desperate need of a talk in Brit English, or - jeez, at least in English. Which, as mentioned before, is kinda impossible, considering that even our official language is an uncommon and mysterious tool...
God, where am I?
Feels like the third world.
Oh, wait. Berlusconi's still trying to gain power and rule Italy.
We still are a third world country. 

1 comment:

  1. Il pesce che si dimena sul banco del mercato. Guarda che ha ancora l'occhio vigile, vè!
    Dai, che tra un po' parti :)
